Saturday, August 27, 2016

carving apple as elephant trunk

Elephant Head Apple

How to choose apples for carving.
Apples should have a smooth, unbroken skin. They should have a consistant colour and a good shape.
1. Cut a very small segment about 1/2 cm wide and 2 cm long out of  the apple and leave it in place.Carving An Elephant Head Apple Picture 1
2. Cut into the apple either side of the first segment to cut out a slightly larger segment below the original segment.Carving An Elephant Head Apple Picture 2
3. Continue like this making bigger and bigger segments that go deeper into the apple. Stop when the bottom of a segment reaches the middle of the apple.Carving An Elephant Head Apple Picture 3
4. Pull out the segments and arrange them so they overlap each other.Carving An Elephant Head Apple Picture 4
5. The finished carving. The widest part of the apple looks like the bumps on an elephant�s head and the apple trails down into the elephant�s trunk.Carving An Elephant Head Apple Picture 5

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